
Struggling with programming?

Struggling with programming?Don’t worry!Just follow my steps i was the one of you! 🙂

First you have to understand the concept of each functions.Without clearing the concepts you can not do nothing.I was also struggling with programming but then i decided at any cost i should able to write the code independently.You can refer Let us C by Yashwant Kanitkar.It is simply awesome.Simple language with appropriate explanations.

Try to solve more and more problems.You should try to solve basic problems like finding factorial,accepting matrix from user and display it reverse.One important thing,Don’t tell others to remove your errors.First you try it and i am sure you can remove them.First develop a logic on sample paper.Consider the following topics while developing a program

  • What you want in a program
  • which functions should you use like array,linked list etc
  • flow of program
  • different cases

Once you are able to develop the logic..that’s it,you are about to done.

And one more.,keep in mind surely it will take some time to get hands on any programming language.

Wish you all the Best!